Career options after MSc Industrial Chemistry

Career options after MSc Industrial Chemistry

Industrial Chemistry, also known as the "art of production," has grown in popularity in recent years. You can pursue M.Sc Chemistry or M.Sc Industrial Chemistry to get into this field. More than half of our everyday conveniences, from gardening to make-up, are the result of cutting-edge manufacturing breakthroughs in the field of industrial chemistry. Industrial chemists create and manufacture items and methods that will boost their company's sales and profitability. Industrial salaries are higher here than in other employment sectors. (since professionals in this field seek to manufacture items high in demand by customers at a reasonable price)

As a result, jobs after M.Sc chemistry focus on finding ways to collect and procure natural resources. Not only that but developing and maintaining raw materials into more valuable products.

There are a plethora of career opportunities after M.Sc chemistry degree in industrial chemistry.

Academic researcher

After M.Sc Chemistry you can work as an academic researcher. You will put your knowledge and abilities gained through study and research to good use. You'll publish articles on your study in peer-reviewed, well-respected journals. You'll also create reports, books, or book chapters about your specialty. You're also likely to be involved with university student teaching and supervision, as well as speaking at conferences.

  • Planning research,
  • Holding meetings with colleagues,
  • Contributing to the strategic direction of your department or group,
  • will take up a large amount of your time.


M.Sc Chemistry opens up doors in a variety of industries, including agriculture, medicine, energy, and the environment.


By pursuing biotechnology as an industrial chemist, you'll apply biological knowledge and techniques. They help design and develop new goods that will improve people's lives.

After M.Sc Chemistry or M.Sc in industrial chemistry, as a biotechnologist, you'll investigate the chemical, genetic, and physical properties of cells, tissues, and creatures. You'll perform this in order to create new technologies, procedures, and products that address some of society's most pressing issues.

Manipulation of live organisms or their components is required to develop or improve vaccines, pharmaceuticals, energy efficiency, and food productivity and safety.

Chemical engineering

Chemical engineers work with basic ingredients to create a variety of useful items after the completion of M.Sc Chemistry. You'll make petrochemicals, medications, and plastics as part of a job in this industry.

You'll be involved in the design and development of a variety of goods in industrial areas as a chemical engineer. Your job will revolve around altering a substance's chemical, biological, and physical states in order to transform it into something different, such as producing plastic from oil.

You can work in a multitude of fields, such as:

  • plastics toiletries
  • water treatment
  • energy food and drink
  • oil and gas medicines

Nanotechnology, fuel cells, and biomedical engineering are examples of valuable new materials and procedures pioneered by modern industrial chemistry and chemical engineering.


Toxicologists look into the effects of materials, chemicals, prospective new treatments, natural substances, and radiation on human, animal health, and the environment.

You'll design and conduct laboratory and field studies to assess the potential dangers and detrimental impacts of certain drugs. While taking into account future technology such as genomics, digital tools, in silico/in vitro advances, and the long-term effects of gene-editing technologies.

Forensic scientist/ forensic chemist or forensic toxicologist

Because forensic science is a competitive field after M.Sc chemistry makes sure you have some lab experience before applying. As a forensic scientist, you'll produce scientific evidence to help the prosecution or defense in criminal and civil investigations in courts of law.

The majority of your time will be spent looking for and analyzing contact trace evidence linked to crimes. Both forensic toxicologists and chemists work to identify unidentified materials. Forensic toxicologists work on the human body while forensic chemists work on crime scenes.


Pharmacologists have a thorough understanding of how medicines and other drugs function and are digested by the body. After M.Sc chemistry, you'll also conduct research to help with drug development and discovery.

Your job requires you to:

  • find new and improved medications
  • Develop a better understanding of drug reactions in people
  • find out why some drugs create addiction or unpleasant side effects
  • & why they increase the effectiveness and safety of present medicines

Scientific laboratory technician

Scientific laboratory workers execute tasks that allow scientists to focus on and undertake more difficult analytical processes in the lab.

You'll work on a variety of lab-based projects in the chemical, physical, and life science fields. As part of a scientific team, it'll also include sampling, testing, measuring, reporting and finally analyzing results. Your contribution will contribute to modern medicine and science's advancement and development. It is crucial in the early stages of research and development (R&D) as well as scientific analysis and investigation.

Managerial field

Industrial chemists can work in a variety of settings, such as

  • research and development in pharmaceutical and electronics firms,
  • quality control in chemical plants and factories,
  • supervisory jobs in laboratories and production facilities.

Content writing

M.Sc chemistry graduates, who can generate relevant papers and journals on the subject of industrial chemistry are in high demand in the education sector.

Quality assurance officer

In a manufacturing plant, quality assurance officers supervise the work of manufacturing technicians and quality technicians. They oversee the team's record keeping, and prepare suitable reports for management.

Research associates

Aspiring industrial chemists can also work as research associates, scientists, and pharmacists. They can gain recognition for their work in transitioning and transforming various chemicals into finished products such as

  • medicines
  • agricultural fertilisers and pesticides
  • perfumes and petrochemicals products

By now you have an idea about how important M.Sc chemistry is. Moreover, M.Sc. Industrial Chemistry is primarily designed to educate postgraduates capable of translating chemical knowledge and abilities into industrial development. This is the reason why ITM Vocational University is now providing M.Sc. Industrial Chemistry, the first in the Vadodara region.

This M.Sc Industrial chemistry is a full-time two-year curriculum. It includes an industry internship or research project. The curriculum is taught by highly qualified Ph.D. faculty members and is created with reference to varied industry needs. Students can complete their dissertation on this campus or in other industries in India and abroad. This entire curriculum focuses on developing future leaders and global employees in the domains of pure and applied chemistry.

The passion for inventing and the goal of benefiting humanity, science, and technology is enough to prosper in this field. The above information makes it clear that this chemistry field leaves you with multiple career options to choose from. All of the above career lines are in demand and highly paid. Pursuing this after your bachelor's degree in chemistry will open doors to never-ending opportunities!