Role of Mechanical Engineers towards building the nation

Role of Mechanical Engineers towards building the nation

Today, we are living in era of a very advanced level of world. With the passage of time, there comes a need for technological advancement in society. For that, our nation should continue building its blocks towards technology and innovative skills. Although our nation is developing, it is much better to have companions, especially in the form of mechanical engineers, to fulfil set goals towards advancing in technological skills and innovation.

Mechanical Engineers are modern professionals trained by highly competitive instructors with world-class institutions. They have skills and abilities acquired for the development of the nation. The presence of mechanical engineers towards this ultimate goal is highly appreciated. Mechanical engineers are able to design, develop, build, manufacture and test all sorts of mechanical devices, tools, engines and machines everything from small parts to large machines.

After the pandemic of 2020, mechanical engineers' contribution to society has become more evident. Mechanics are helping the healthcare industry create technologies that assist doctors and mankind by solving healthcare problems and creating future solutions. Individualised medicines, Healthcare devices, as well as surgical devices have been developed by mechanical engineers using 3D printing technologies. Increasingly, mechanical engineers are being involved in hybrid electric vehicle design, development, manufacturing and testing, battery management systems and electrical safety with the invention in the automotive industry of electric vehicle technology.

A mechanical engineer plays a key role in developing renewable energy infrastructure around the world, whether it's large solar projects, wind, ocean, or tidal energy. In addition to the roles stated above, mechanical engineers are involved in aerospace, environmental control, automation, manufacturing, biotechnology, micro-electro mechanical systems, computer and electronics, and many more. In Industry era 4.0, Computers and mechanical engineers are working hand in hand to make machines communicate without human intervention, giving rise to the possibility of developing a smart factory.

To conclude, the role of a mechanical engineer is not limited to manufacturing but also taking a product from its conception to its completion. To accomplish this, a mechanical engineer must be able to design them for functionality, look into the aesthetics, work on its durability, and determine the best manufacturing approach that will ensure its operation without failure.

The fourth industrial revolution requires creative engineers with mechanical backgrounds to innovate and invent a new product. According to industry statistics and data, India is predicted to grow at an annual rate of 8.8% from 2020 to 2030. After achieving its $5 trillion GDP goal, India will be at the top of the list. By the year 2050, India will be a developed country. Some truly said that dreams come true when we have imagination and technology to fulfil them. Mechanical engineers would make a substantial contribution to achieving this goal.