Program Objectives

To prepare and develop graduates for a management career in the Hospitality and/or Tourism industry.

To develop an understanding and knowledge of the nature of hospitality, and the organisations, management and impacts associated with the provision and consumption of hospitality & tourism in a contemporary global environment.

To develop students’ intellectual capabilities of analysis & interpretation, critical evaluation; selection and synthesis; reasoned argument; research and problem solving.

To develop graduates who can demonstrate effective management, IT, technical, numerical, communication and research skills

To produce graduates who have a range of generic transferable attributes enabling them to communicate effectively, work individually and in teams to deadlines, be innovative and adaptable to change, to be entrepreneurial in their approach, to manage and reflect on their own learning; and who can contribute and respond effectively to the demands of their chosen profession.

To provide the student with a range of both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ skills that encapsulates the requirements of 21st century customer care and to demonstrate these with confidence and integrity.

To provide understanding of progressive sustainability concepts, environmental impacts and awareness and ethical issues for the hospitality industry.

To impart to graduates an international perspective of the hospitality and Tourism industries, turning them into truly global citizens.

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